PHP TutorialsPHP - the server-side programming language powering over 80% of the web - is now at version 7.1. As an interpreted (as opposed to compiled) language, PHP code is executed in run-time meaning there is no slow compilation step - changes you make in the code are visible instantly, and it is this quick feedback loop that allows for PHP's speed of use. If you're just getting started with PHP, here are some introductory materials to get you up to speed.

Here is a simple little function in PHP that will truncate a string after X number of characters and add three dots or whatever you specify.
- 20th Apr, 2009

A short script for timing php script execution times which can be used for performance tuning or identifying bottlenecks in your scripts.
- 7th Feb, 2009

PHP snippet to return the first sentence from a string. Very useful for generating post or page excerpts, extracts or meta descriptions.
- 24th Jan, 2009