Load CSV Data into a StringGrid in Dephi

This short procedure will load data stored in a CSV file into a StringGrid in Dephi control for which can be used for display or processing.

By Tim Trott | Legacy Code | February 6, 2004

To use this code, simply call the method with the filename for the CSV and a reference to the StringGrid in Delphi and it will read the CSV data and populate the grid and headers.

procedure LoadCSV(Filename: string; sg: TStringGrid);
   i, j, Position, count, edt1: integer;
   temp, tempField : string;
   FieldDel: char;
   Data: TStringList;
  Data := TStringList.Create;
  FieldDel := ',';
  temp :=  Data[1];
  count := 0;
  for i:= 1 to length(temp) do
    if copy(temp,i,1) =  FieldDel then
  edt1 := count+1;
  sg.ColCount := 30;
  sg.RowCount := Data.Count +1;
  sg.FixedCols := 0;
  for i := 0 to Data.Count - 1 do
      temp :=  Data[i];
      if copy(temp,length(temp),1) <> FieldDel then
        temp := temp + FieldDel;
      while Pos('"', temp) > 0 do
          Delete(temp,Pos('"', temp),1);
      for j := 1 to edt1 do
        Position := Pos(FieldDel,temp);
        tempField := copy(temp,0,Position-1);
        sg.Cells[j-1,i+1] := tempField;
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  1. BU

    On Thursday 2nd of February 2023, Budita said

    It works good. It would be much better if the column of StringGrid can be adjusted from automatically. But this one is great!

  2. MM

    On Wednesday 1st of February 2023, Mike McCarthy said

    Works great, just figuring out how to deal with new lines within a single collumn, otherwise it will not display correctly in the stringgrid. Removing that collumn everything works great, so minor hickup. Keep up the good work!

  3. MI

    On Wednesday 27th of November 2019, Miguel said


    Thank you very interesting!!!

    Its possible download my sheet directly from google drive using stream?
