CSS Message Notification Bars

CSS Message Notification Bars are commonplace nowadays so here is a simple CSS Snippet to show a pretty message notification bar.

By Tim Trott | HTML & CSS Tutorials | May 27, 2009

Quick CSS Snippet to show pretty message notification bars / alert boxes with an icon. These message bars are commonplace nowadays, and I use them quite a bit in my designs because they are an important way to attract user attention.

I've included the CSS, XHTML and images here so I have access to the code where ever I am working on a project. I hope it can be useful to you as well. Unfortunately I cannot remember or find the original author for these, so if anybody knows please let me know so I can give them credit.

Credits and original post to Janko At Warp Speed .

CSS Message Notification Bars Types

There are four types of notification messages.

Information Messages

Information messages can be used to share information with the user, suggestions or tips. Blue is used as a universal colour meaning "help".

Success Messages

Hooray! Success messages should be displayed after the user successfully performs an operation such as registering, submitting a form or that something else has happened successfully. Green is a universal "go" or "success" colour.

Warning Messages

Warning messages indicate that something may have gone wrong, but it isn't an emergency. They are intended to pass information to the user with more urgency than an information message. Yellow is used as a "caution" colour.

Error Message

Oops! Something went horribly wrong. These messages should be used when an error occurs, validation fails or an action cannot be completed. Red is a universally recognised colour meaning alert, error, danger.

The XHTML for CSS Message Notification Bars

<div class="info">Info message</div>
<div class="success">Successful operation message</div>
<div class="warning">Warning message</div>
<div class="error">Error message</div>

That's it. Nice and easy isn't it?

The CSS for CSS Message Notification Bars

.info, .success, .warning, .error, .validation {
  border: 1px solid;
  margin: 10px 0px;
  padding:15px 10px 15px 50px;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: 10px center;
.info {
  color: #00529B;
  background-color: #BDE5F8;
  background-image: url('info.png');
.success {
  color: #4F8A10;
  background-color: #DFF2BF;
.warning {
  color: #9F6000;
  background-color: #FEEFB3;
  background-image: url('warning.png');
.error {
  color: #D8000C;
  background-color: #FFBABA;
  background-image: url('error.png');

The Icons

These icons are part of the Knob Toolbar icons  collection hosted on DeviantArt. Please visit the site to download the full icon pack.

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  1. EM

    On Tuesday 12th of May 2015, Emmanuel said

    Thanks for this reference! It really helped me reach a clear decision while designing a thank you confirmation page.

  2. On Monday 24th of October 2011, said


    credit where credit is due

  3. SD

    On Friday 11th of March 2011, Spencer Drager said

    Thanks for this. I was searching for some tips for designing notifications and stumbled on this page. I'll be using them in my latest project. I wonder if there is a site dedicated to various designs for this?

  4. V

    On Saturday 10th of July 2010, V said

    Thanks. I use this simple class to display them as session variables.

    class Alerts
    function Alerts()
    /No need to even initialize me, just use Scope Resolution Operator to use me.
    function info($msg)
    $_SESSION[&apos;alerts&apos;].=&apos;<div class="info">&apos;.$msg.&apos;</div>&apos;;
    function success($msg)
    $_SESSION[&apos;alerts&apos;].=&apos;<div class="success">&apos;.$msg.&apos;</div>&apos;;
    function warning($msg)
    $_SESSION[&apos;alerts&apos;].=&apos;<div class="warning">&apos;.$msg.&apos;</div>&apos;;
    function error($msg)
    $_SESSION[&apos;alerts&apos;].=&apos;<div class="error">&apos;.$msg.&apos;</div>&apos;;
  5. MA

    On Friday 9th of July 2010, Mat said


    Thanks for this, just exactly what i been looking for, thanks ever so much your lifesaver!

  6. WA

    On Thursday 15th of April 2010, Warner said

    Thanks for these,

    I will incorporate them in my soon to be custom 403 and 404 pages. (if that's okay whit you)

    Thnx again.

  7. LE

    On Thursday 15th of April 2010, Leszek said

    Cool and useful idea of displaying messages. I've implemented it in my cms.